Project Summary

Lighting Standard
Class III

Level of Play
Youth Recreational & Select

Size of Field
1x Large (200’ x 325’)
1x Medium (155’ x 220’)
3x Small (120’ x 175’)
Project Situation
The Murray-Calloway County Soccer Association had wanted to light the fields at the soccer complex for many years, but for various reasons it never gained momentum. That changed in 2019, after a brief delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, when the Bank of Murray generously granted the funds to the City of Murray. Now the MCCSA
will be able to increase the number of tournaments they run from 2 to upwards of 10-15 per year. Which brings in additional revenue for the parks system, as well as local restaurants and hotels.
Project Details
- 40x 1000W Integral Driver Fixtures with individual
controlls - 14x 60’ Mounting Height Direct Buried Concrete Poles
- Pre-Aimed Fixtures with Pre-Wired Cross Arms